
Hi! I’m Katie, the coach behind Take a Beat.

I have a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling and have worked as a therapist in community mental health and private practice for several years. Before that, I was a writer and worked in different journalism and communications jobs. 

I know what it’s like to take the road less traveled, or at least the road that’s less defined. 

It can be a scary, humbling and exciting experience all at the same time.

I wouldn’t be honest if I said that it was easy or without struggle, but it did have a pretty cool payoff–it led me to work and a life that is more aligned with my personal values and goals. I still get to create, but more on my terms, and I get to help others work toward their goals and desires in life.

As someone who has navigated their way through feeling stuck, lost and confused to having a greater sense of purpose and direction, I’m very familiar with the process of not only discovering what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go but also aligning with it. You can do it, too.

Self-trust and confidence are both key to this process, but they can sometimes be clouded or muffled by outside “noise” or even our own doubts and worries.

Coaching–while not therapy–can be a helpful resource to support you in learning how to trust yourself more by honing in on your strengths as well as tapping into your authentic values and desires for life.

This often requires taking a beat from the norm or the routine, essentially what is no longer working, and navigating a different way forward. 

If you have been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or want to make a change and don't know where to start, feel free to schedule a consultation below and we can see if it would be a good fit!