Empowering Your Growth Together

Welcome! I’m here to support you on the path to reaching your full potential.

How I can help:

Do you resonate as an overthinker who is on to “the next thing” before the last thing is over or who is always 50 steps ahead?

Do you want to make a change but get stuck thinking about the how’s, when’s and should’s so much that you spend days, weeks, even months going back and forth about whether or not to take action?

Do you feel like you are behind or “not good enough”?

Take a Beat Coaching is focused on helping people notice and put a pause on unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that get in their way.

With compassionate coaching support, clients then work to reframe those narratives and develop a greater sense of self-trust in order to make decisions and take action with more confidence. 

What I can help with:


If you’ve been contemplating a career change or a move to a new job, or if you’d like to improve your job performance, developing a greater sense of self-trust can make it easier to achieve those goals.


In learning how to listen to and trust yourself more, it becomes easier to identify your own needs and then advocate for those needs in your relationships.


Overthinking, by its nature, can get in the way of self-esteem and self-confidence. The six-week Be Your Own Navigator Program teaches skills to strengthen your ability to believe in yourself.

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